Wednesday 18 July 2012

Rest of the family

Today I thought it would be nice to introduce you to the other pets in our family (there are a fair few so I will split it up a bit). Besides Chibi, Chris and myself have 3 hamsters, Bo, Honeydew and Nibbler.

Before we moved into our house a few months ago, we lived in a flat for a few years and as we couldn't have cat I decided a hamster might be nice as I was desperate for a pet. Along came Bo (her full name is Bovine!)

As you can see, she looks like a baby cow with perfect cow print. We rescued her from the RSPCA about a year and a half ago. Chris had decided that he would quite like a cow print hamster (I didnt even think there was such a thing), so when we found Bo, we couldnt believe it. Me and Mum just looked at each and burst out laughing... She is so friendly and loves watching what you are doing. She always comes up to you in her cage to say hello whenever you get home from work.

This is Honeydew...

He was 8 weeks old  when we bought him home so he wasn't very small but he is so cute! Out of all the hamsters in his tank, he was the most active... He was climbing the walls!!! We named him Honeydew after a guy called Simon, who's Minecraft characters skin is a ginger bearded Dwarf ( - They make gaming videos and are hillarious!)

He isn't a very cuddly hamster, he's a bit nervous of people but once he's out in his ball, he will follow you everywhere. He is a bit of a lazy hamster, preferring to just eat and sleep... Oh and drink a lot of water and then wee everywhere. I've never known a hamster wee so much!!

Little Nibbler is the baby of the 3. We bought her the same day as Honeydew and she was 4 weeks old and very tiny. I've never seen baby hamsters before but she was the cutest little thing. I couldn't decide between her and Honeydew and ended up getting both.

This was Nibbler at about 5 weeks old

As you can probably guess, Nibbler is called Nibbler for a reason. The first thing Chris did when I put her in her new cage was to put his fingers through the bars. What do you expect a baby hamster in new surroundings to do?? Well, it wasn't to kiss him thats for sure. I have never seen someone bleed so much from a hamster bite. It was hell of a bite though and rather deep for such a little thing.

As she has gotten older, she has definately become more friendly and loves coming out of her cage. She doesn't like being held so much but loves running around in her ball too, usually getting herself stuck behind the sofa. She also likes playing Xbox!

Next time I will tell you all about the other family pets.... :)


  1. Hi Kelly. Thank you for visiting Sheba's Life Story. I enjoyed looking at your blog and all the lovely photos. I am now following you.

    Here's some photos of our cat Cody a Maine Coon cross.

    Chibi is gorgeous.


  2. Aww Cody is lovely. Sheba are you a bit scared of Cody?? hehehe

    Look forward to reading more from you.

    Kelly and Chibi
